Wednesday, February 11, 2009

johnny deep

Johnny depp has quite a veiw on life that is verys imilar on life. it seems as if he is very against commercialism, and hates being pestered at times he wishes to be left alone. He has also been one of my favorite actors, and he seems to have had a inner demon burning him in his youth. All things considered he seems to be an unanchored ship, looking for a place for him to set sail to and live happily in a far off port. His quarkiness that hes shown in all his movies, along with his ability to always be himself have inspired many a things in my life. not from depp alone persay but what he represents. We all know that one person thats famous that we find our attidtude in life in. I am happy to see that depp has anchored down with a wife and kids, at at such a late age he will have no regrets. Live life on your own accord, and to the fullest you can make it.